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We are the Glitchers

We reimagine local cultural perspectives, infusing them with a touch of fantasy in our storytelling.

At Glitch Portal, we are breaking the mold by introducing African storytelling into the world of gaming. Our team consists of passionate creatives who aim to celebrate Africa's rich and diverse cultures in our games. We strive to provide immersive and engaging experiences that are both fun and educational. Our studio was founded in 2021, but our passion for preserving and sharing African culture through gaming goes back much further. Join us on this exciting journey and contribute to the evolution of African storytelling through gaming.

meet the team

Thabang Zulu

CEO & Founder

Thabang Zulu best known as Fluffy. I’m a kind-hearted individual who loves to create art in any form. As a Glitcher within the Glitch Portal squad I’m the level designer, 2D generalist and all round enthusiast of the Digital Arts. I’m a

2x graduate who studied Digital Arts at both City Varsity and Wits.

Hobbies: Poet and stand up comedian for fun, gamer and illustrator.

My hidden talent: I’m an undiscovered idol golden ticket winner during my me times.

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